washrag.reviews information

domain washrag.reviews
appraised value -
domain birthday -
appraisal accuracy80%
backed by dealsNo
backed by appraisalNo
domain rating-
TLD rating-
keywords wash rag reviews
keywords languageEnglish (94%)
Other languages-
first mentioned in-

washrag.reviews categorization


washrag.reviews search volume in Bing, Google & Yahoo

Global searches for washrag.reviews0
Global approximate CPC washrag.reviews2.83 USD
Global competition for washrag.reviews52% (medium)
Global searches for "washrag"0
Global approximate CPC "washrag"4.30 USD
Global competition for "washrag"27% (low)
Global searches for "wash rag reviews"0
Global approximate CPC "wash rag reviews"6.95 USD
Global competition for "wash rag reviews"58% (medium)
Local searches for washrag.reviews0
Local approximate CPC washrag.reviews2.83 USD
Local competition for washrag.reviews52% (medium)
Local searches for "washrag"0
Local approximate CPC "washrag"4.30 USD
Local competition for "washrag"27% (low)
Local searches for "wash rag reviews"0
Local approximate CPC "wash rag reviews"6.95 USD
Local competition for "wash rag reviews"58% (medium)

washrag.reviews traffic estimates

alexa traffic rank0
estimated daily visitors0
development value0 USD

washrag.reviews direct navigation estimates

monthly type-ins0
monthly parking revenue0 USD
currently parked at-
parking recommendationBodis.com
parking value of the domain0 USD

washrag.reviews trademarks

trademark risk55%
udrpsNo UDRPS found

washrag.reviews affected trademarks

Trademark Company Source Active
RAGRAG AktiengesellschaftDENo
RAGBelfor (Suisse) AGCHYes
RAGBelfor (Suisse) AGCHYes
RAGRAG AktiengesellschaftDTYes
RAGRAG AktiengesellschaftDTYes

List of deals for washrag.reviews

Domain Price Currency Date Source
reviews.co.uk38000GBP2007-08-01Private Sale

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