Landesvorwahl | AR |
Land | Argentina |
Streitfall Richtliniene | Government resolution on domain registration |
Webseite | http://www.nic.ar/ |
Einschränkungen der Registrierungspflichtigen | yes |
TLD Bewertung |
TLD Wirtschaft nach DI
Insgesamt registrierte Domains | |
gesamt TLD-Wert | $0 |
gesamt TLD Wertrang | |
gesamte jährliche TLD Umsatz | |
erwartete Wachstum nächsten 12 Monate | N/A |
BIP/Domain | N/A |
BIP/Domain-Rang | |
Domain/Einwohner | N/A |
Domain/Einwohner Rang | |
Breitbandnutzer in .ar | N/A |
Breitbandnutzer/Domain | N/A |
Allgemeine TLD Informationen
eingeführte | 1987 |
TLD Typ | ccTLD |
Status | Active |
Registrierung | MRECIC(Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores) |
Sponsor | Comercio Internacional y Culto) |
Domain name restrictions, must have contact with address in Argentina, but registrant may be foreign; some subdomains have particular restrictions.
Derzeit vorgeschlagene Registrare
Registrar 1 | ELSERVER SRL |
Registrar 2 | Virtucom Networks S.A. |
Registrar 3 | Instra Corporation |
Markenzeichen Informationen
Trademarks in Argentina are assigned and governed by African Regional Intellectual Property Organization. ARIPO, the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization, was originally formed in 1976 in response to a request made by English speaking African countries. The purpose of ARIPO is to pool economic and human resources in the administration of Intellectual Property protection. ARIPO is a central organization that handles all of the administrative tasks associated with the filing, registration, and renewal of marks, patents, and other Intellectual Property protections. For the purpose of protection, all areas covered by ARIPO are treated much like a single country.Member states of ARIPO include:Botswana,Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho,Malawi, Mozambiqu, Namibia, Sierra, Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, The Gambia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Derzeit vorgeschlagene Markenzeichen Rechtsanwälte
Rechtsanwalt 1 | Baker & McKenzie |
Rechtsanwalt 2 | Alemanno & Mazzaferri Attorneys at Law |
Offizielle TLD-Logo

.ar index

.ar registration stats

Informationen zum Land
Land | Argentina |
Hauptstadt | Buenos Aires |
Amtssprache | Spanish |
anerkannte Sprachen | Araucano, Guaraní, Quechua |
Regierung | Federal representative presidential republic |
Legislatur | Argentine National Congress |
EU-Beitritt | |
Fläche | 2,766,890 km2 |
ist Rang | 8th |
Bevölkerung | 40,091,359 |
Bevölkerungs Rang | 32nd |
population density | 14.49/km2 |
Bevölkerungsdichte Rang | 207th |
Wirtschaft und Entwicklung
BIP Schätzung für 2010 | $632.223 billion |
BIP pro Kopf | $15,603 |
Gini-Index(2005) | 45.7 (high |
HDI (2010) | 0.775(high) |
HDI Rang | 46th |
Währung | Peso ($) (ARS) |
Zeitzone | ART (UTC-3) |
Fährt auf der | right (trains ride on the left) |
Telefonvorwahl | 54 |