- Our collection of ccTLD & gTLD zones
(more than 205 million domains from 80 zonefiles: at, be, ca,,,,,,, de, dk,...)
- After paying via PayPal, you will receive an e-mail with download link.
The link is available 30 days after the mail is sent.
- Total size of the zipped file is 479 MB
- Our collection of complete search data
(keyword, global monthly searches, CPC, competition)
- After paying via PayPal, you will receive an e-mail with 8 download links.
The links are available 30 days after the mail is sent.
- Total size of the zipped files is between 81MB and 107 MB
- Our collection of 1 million top keywords
(top keywords by search and their cpc)
- After paying via PayPal, you will receive an e-mail with download link.
The link is available 30 days after the mail is sent.
- Total size of the zipped file is 6 MB
- Our collection of N-gram files
(Download ngram files for English, German, French, Russian and Spanish)
- After paying via PayPal, you will receive an e-mail with 118 download links.
The links are available 30 days after the mail is sent.
- Total size of each zipped file is approximately 115 MB
- Complete traffic file
(Complete traffic file with more than 8 million domains )
- After paying via PayPal, you will receive an e-mail with download link.
The link is available 30 days after the mail is sent.
- Total size of the zipped file is 84.8 MB
- Complete gTLD Whois
(Complete whois Database for 130 Mio Domain names)
- After payement we will reach out for you and discuss the transfer of files.
- Total size of mysql dumps is between 1GB and 80GB.
- SEO Servers
(SEO servers with up to 1000 IP's)
- Leave name, email and phone number and we will get in touch with You
- RAM / DISK: 8 GB / 2x1TB HDD (32 GB / 4x1TB HDD)
- Gigantic crawl
(Get any data you need from over 50 Million domains and more than 40 billion pages on the web)
- Leave name, email and phone number and we will get in touch with You
- Custom data crunch
(Get any List or Database using any of our Datasets or that can be scraped from the web from public sources.)
- Leave name, email and phone number and we will get in touch with You