Our Keywords searches collection contains more than 130 million keywords. The retail value of this collection is $1800 and the purchase process is very convenient. After you pay via PayPal, you'll receive information on your e-mail address, which will contain 8 links that directly lead to download. Those links are going to be accessible on your e-mail in the next 48 hours after the e-mail is sent.
Table 1 | contains information about number of keywords in each file and total size of the files. |
File format: | Each line of the files has the following format: "keywords","searches","cpc (USD)","competition" where "keywords" is keyword, "searches" is global broad search for the keyword, "cpc(USD)" is approximate cpc for keyword in UDS, and "competition" is global competition in %. |
Note: | Before making a purchase please register for free. |
- Total size of the zipped files is between 81 MB
and 107 MB
- After paying via PayPal, you will receive an e-mail with 8 download links. The links are available 30 days after the mail is sent.
Table 1
Filename | total keywords | size |
xaa_keyword_searches.csv | 17,556,676 | 107 MB |
xab_keyword_searches.csv | 17,825,386 | 97 MB |
xac_keyword_searches.csv | 17,830,994 | 101 MB |
xad_keyword_searches.csv | 17,739,990 | 104 MB |
xae_keyword_searches.csv | 17,975,270 | 105 MB |
xaf_keyword_searches.csv | 17,921,342 | 98 MB |
xag_keyword_searches.csv | 16,572,819 | 115 MB |
xah_keyword_searches.csv | 9,439,647 | 81 MB |