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country code (B- or BE-)
country Belgium
Dispute polices
registrant restrictions No


TLD rating

Registry economics by DI

total registered domains
total TLD value $0
total TLD value rank
total yearly TLD revenue
expected growth next 12 months N/A
GDP/domain N/A
GDP/domain rank
domain/inhabitant N/A
domain/inhabitant rank 8113200
broadband users in .be N/A
broadband user/domain N/A

General TLD information

introduced 1988
TLD type ccTLD
status Active
registry DNS BE vzw/asbl
sponsor DNS BE vzw/asbl


Names can be registered directly at second level; some third-level names under categories such as for academic institutions also exist

Currently suggested registrars

registrar 1 EuroDNS
registrar 2 Netbulk NV
registrar 3 Register NV dba

Trademark information

Belgium is a member of BENELUX. Alternatively, this country is a member of the European Union. A trademark may be registered exclusively in this country or through the European Community Trademark (CTM) system. Member countries providing protection under the European Community Trademark include: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

Currently suggested trademarks lawyers

lawyer 1 Lorenz
lawyer 2 Crowell & Moring LLP

Official TLD logo

.be index

.be registration stats

Country information

country Belgium
capital Brussels
official language Dutch, French, German
recognized languages
government Federal parliamentary democracy and Constitutional monarchy
legislature Federal Parliament
EU accession 25 March 1957
area 30,528 km2
are rank 139th
population 10,827,519
population rank 76th
population density 354.7[2]/km2
population density rank 33th

Economy and development

GDP 2010 estimate $392.862 billion
GDP per capita $36,274
gini (2005) 28 low
HDI (2010) 0.867 very high
HDI rank 18th
currency Euro 
time zone CET (UTC+1)
drives on the right
calling code 32