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country code MN
country Mongolia
Dispute polices
registrant restrictions Yes


TLD rating

Registry economics by DI

total registered domains
total TLD value $0
total TLD value rank
total yearly TLD revenue
expected growth next 12 months N/A
GDP/domain N/A
GDP/domain rank
domain/inhabitant N/A
domain/inhabitant rank
broadband users in .mn N/A
broadband user/domain N/A

General TLD information

introduced 1995
TLD type ccTLD
status Active
registry Datacom Co., Ltd.
sponsor Datacom Co., Ltd.


Domain name restrictions, individual registrants must be over 18 years old; no other restrictions.

Currently suggested registrars

registrar 1 Zone Casting, Inc.
registrar 2 Today NIC
registrar 3 Innter Net

Trademark information

Trademarks are assigned through the Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia. Mongolia is a member of the Madrid Protocol. A trademark is valid for 10 years and may be renewed for further periods of 10 years each.

Currently suggested trademarks lawyers

lawyer 1 Ashur Law Firm
lawyer 2

Official TLD logo

.mn index

Country information

country Mongolia
capital Ulan Bator
official language Mongolian
recognized languages
government Parliamentary republic
legislature State Great Assembly
EU accession
area 1,564,115.75 km2
are rank 19th
population 2736800
population rank 140th
population density 1.75/km2
population density rank 236th

Economy and development

GDP 2010 estimate
GDP per capita
gini (2005)
HDI (2010) 0.622 (medium)
HDI rank 100th
currency Tögrög (MNT)
time zone (UTC+7 to +8
drives on the right
calling code 976