country code | PG |
country | Papua New Guinea |
Dispute polices | Similar to pre-2000 Network Solutions dispute policy |
website | http://www.unitech.ac.pg/Unitech_General/ITS/ITS_Dns.htm |
registrant restrictions | Yes |
TLD rating |
Registry economics by DI
total registered domains | |
total TLD value | $0 |
total TLD value rank | |
total yearly TLD revenue | |
expected growth next 12 months | N/A |
GDP/domain | N/A |
GDP/domain rank | |
domain/inhabitant | N/A |
domain/inhabitant rank | |
broadband users in .pg | N/A |
broadband user/domain | N/A |
General TLD information
introduced | 1991 |
TLD type | ccTLD |
status | Active |
registry | PNG DNS Administration |
sponsor | Vice Chancellors Office |
Restrictions on registering international names, must have local presence or interests in Papua New Guinea.
Currently suggested registrars
registrar 1 | NameISP |
registrar 2 | Rwgusa Net |
registrar 3 | Innter Net |
Trademark information
Trademarks are assigned through the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Investment Promotion Authority (IPA), Intellectual Property Office of Papua New Guinea (IPOPNG). Papua New Guinea is not a member of the Madrid Protocol. A trademark is valid for 10 years and may be renewed for further periods of 10 years each.
Currently suggested trademarks lawyers
lawyer 1 | |
lawyer 2 |
Official TLD logo

.pg index

Country information
country | Papua New Guinea |
capital | Port Moresby |
official language | English, Tok Pisin, Hiri Motu |
recognized languages | |
government | Federal Constitutional Monarchy and Parliamentary Democracy |
legislature | National Parliament |
EU accession | |
area | 462,840 km2 |
are rank | 54th |
population | 6732000 |
population rank | 100th |
population density | 14.5/km2 |
population density rank | 201st |
Economy and development
GDP 2010 estimate | |
GDP per capita | |
gini (2005) | |
HDI (2010) | |
HDI rank | |
currency | Papua New Guinean kina (PGK) |
time zone | AEST (UTC+10) |
drives on the | left |
calling code | +675 |