country code | IT |
country | Italy |
Dispute polices | |
website | http://www.nic.it |
registrant restrictions | yes |
TLD rating |
Registry economics by DI
total registered domains | |
total TLD value | $0 |
total TLD value rank | |
total yearly TLD revenue | |
expected growth next 12 months | N/A |
GDP/domain | N/A |
GDP/domain rank | |
domain/inhabitant | N/A |
domain/inhabitant rank | 30026400 |
broadband users in .it | N/A |
broadband user/domain | N/A |
General TLD information
introduced | 1987 |
TLD type | ccTLD |
status | Active |
registry | IIT - CNR |
sponsor | IIT - CNR |
Restrictions on domain names, must be a resident of an EU country to register; registration requires sending paper or fax letter which must be completed in Italian.
Currently suggested registrars
registrar 1 | incubatec GmbH - Srl |
registrar 2 | Register.it S.p.A. |
registrar 3 | NameISP |
Trademark information
This country is a member of the European Union. A trademark may be registered exclusively in this country or through the European Community Trademark (CTM) system. Member countries providing protection under the European Community Trademark include: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.Trademarks are assigned through the Italian Patent and Trademark Office, Directorate General of Combating Counterfeiting, Ministry of Economic Development. Italy is a member of the Madrid Protocol. A trademark is valid for 10 years and may be renewed for further periods of 10 years each.
Currently suggested trademarks lawyers
lawyer 1 | Studio legale Tonucci & Partners |
lawyer 2 | Mifsud & Mifsud Advocates |
Official TLD logo

.it expert
.it index

.it registration stats

Country information
country | Italy |
capital | Rome |
official language | Italian |
recognized languages | |
government | Unitary parliamentary republic |
legislature | Italian Parliament(Chamber of Deputies, Senate of the Republic) |
EU accession | 25 March 1957 (founding member) |
area | 301,338 km2 |
are rank | 71st |
population | 60605053 |
population rank | 23rd |
population density | 201.1/km2 |
population density rank | 61st |
Economy and development
GDP 2010 estimate | $2.036 trillion |
GDP per capita | 33828 |
gini (2005) | 32 |
HDI (2010) | 0.854 very high |
HDI rank | 23rd |
currency | Euro |
time zone | CET (UTC+1) |
drives on the | right |
calling code | 39 |